Wednesday, October 20, 2010

As you know this blog is all about beers and everything that great about them. The beer that I will discuss today is Miller High Life one of my favorites. First A little background information about this beer, this beer was put on the market in 1903 and is Miller Brewing's oldest brand. High Life is grouped under the pilsner category of beers and is 4.7% ABV.The prevailing slogan on current packaging is "The Champagne of Beers", an adaptation of its long standing slogan "The Champagne of Bottle Beers". Accordingly, this beer is noted for its high level of carbonation, making it a very bubble-filled beverage, like champagne. It was originally available in miniature champagne bottles and was one of the premier high-end beers in the country for many years.

Not until recently I became fond of this beer. I tried it about two months ago at a local Millers Ale House. I must say the taste is similar to a Corona Light it goes down very easy. It sort of has water down taste to it. Many of my friends also enjoyed this beer after tasting a couple of times. Also the beer is affordable for a 12 pack it cost over 6 dollars. That is really good in these hard economic times. The beer has a gold color to it and I can see why they call it the “Champagne of Beers" I think it’s very tasty. It also goes well with a plate of wings because it’s less filling.

My overall grade for this beer is an: A-

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